Donnerstag, Dezember 31, 2009

Well, Isn't That Special...

First and foremost, may the New Year bring you prosperity, health and happiness beyond your wildest dreams.

And this is a fitting end for this year: two examples of the New Royalty.

First, the Obamas see the movie Avatar, all by themselves. No one else in the theater. Lovely.

Second, the evil witch of the west, La Pelosi, is luxuriating in Hawaii as well.

But the Palins, who were there briefly, were hounded by paparazzi such that they bowed to the inevitable and left early so that other guests could at least enjoy their vacations.

To quote:

Pelosi's visit has not been noted in local or national media.  This contrasts strikingly to the treatment meted out to another high profile Hawaii vacationer--Sarah Palin.  While attempting to relax at a resort on Maui December 16 and 17, Palin, husband Todd and their children found themselves hounded by paparazzi hungry for photo bounties offered by the pro-Obama Hollywood gossip website  Finally they were forced to leave.  Palin told Politico: "Todd and I have since cut our vacation short because the incognito attempts didn't work and fellow vacationers were bothered for the two days we spent in the sun."  Palin was obligated to issue an apology for wearing a visor with the McCain campaign logo covered.  Said Palin: "So much for going incognito." 

The contrast between the reverential privacy granted Pelosi and the petty harassment aimed at both Palin and the Detroit auto execs is an element of the ongoing decades-long campaign of politically correct thought reform aimed at American elites.  The message is simple:  Toe the line or be hounded out of our circles.

Apparently some people never left high school.

While Ms. Pelosi apparently paid her own way - instead of using the Air Force jets that she's been infamous in exploiting - she's also staying in a $10k/night suite:

...we have House Speaker Nancy Pelosi slumming reportedly in the Presidential Suite at the Hualalai resort for what is said to be a rate of $10,000 nightly or more -- hopefully on her dime, rather than a corporate credit card. Her staff steadfastly said she refuses interviews during her stay in Kona; can't interrupt that vacation break.

Give thanks this day to those who have made the peace and prosperity - despite recession, we remain that - possible during the last 365 days, during the Year of Our Lord 2009.

That is, of course, the men and women of our Armed Forces. They deserve profound and sincere thanks for their service.

Unlike the politicians who claim to be running the country. Apparently for their own gain and profit...

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